Only fans houston - Houston Texans: Full 7

Houston only fans As Astroworld

Houston only fans Houston Texans:

As Astroworld disaster unfolded, private medics and city fire lost touch

Houston only fans As Astroworld

Houston only fans Houston Texans:

Houston only fans As Astroworld

As Astroworld disaster unfolded, private medics and city fire lost touch

Houston only fans As Astroworld

Houston only fans As Astroworld

Houston only fans As Astroworld

Houston Texans: Full 7

Houston only fans Houston Texans:

Houston only fans Houston Texans:

As Astroworld disaster unfolded, private medics and city fire lost touch

They highlight a debate over whether to mandate more fire personnel at large events.

  • So who will the Texans select with their first pick? The breakdown in communication with ParaDocs cost the Houston Fire Department valuable minutes in launching a robust medical response as people were trampled, crushed and gasping for final breaths while authorities struggled to get information and create a rescue plan, fire officials said.

  • Garcia helped yank her back up.

As Astroworld disaster unfolded, private medics and city fire lost touch

The ParaDocs medics worked to revive them, in some cases using a defibrillator, but some of them were trampled by people escaping the crush, she said.

  • Nafeh Saemdahr, 21, from Los Angeles, arrived hours before the main gate opened to buy souvenirs before supplies ran out, he said.

  • It was layered with people who had fallen and were trying to claw their way back up, she said.