Wife nude forum - My husband is making a big deal about boudoir photos we took (wife, boyfriend)

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My husband is making a big deal about boudoir photos we took (wife, boyfriend)

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My wife wants to go on vacation with another guy? (girlfriends, marriage)

Forum wife nude My husband

My husband is making a big deal about boudoir photos we took (wife, boyfriend)

Forum wife nude My husband

My wife wants to go on vacation with another guy? (girlfriends, marriage)

Forum wife nude My husband

My husband is making a big deal about boudoir photos we took (wife, boyfriend)

Forum wife nude My husband

Forum wife nude My wife

Forum wife nude My husband

Forum wife nude My husband

My wife wants to go on vacation with another guy? (girlfriends, marriage)

They've been friends for years longer than I've known my wife.

  • So I took off the robe and we continued.

  • It will not get better.

My husband is making a big deal about boudoir photos we took (wife, boyfriend)

If she refuses, I would then have a private consultation with an attorney about divorce options.

  • She is putting his needs ahead of yours.

  • How can I help him overcome his sense that something wrong happened when nothing wrong did? There are female photographers who do that sort of work.

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