Ursula was 18 when she became a Playmate.
Nowadays it's easy to find new real sexy nude pictures of Ursula Buchfellner - full nude uncensored! In addition there is scene with nude Dolly Dollar.
Yes, she goes through a lot in the film, but never ceases to be absolutely gorgeous! We've also included some sexy fake pictures so you can see what she might look like in her underwear! She was born on July 8, 1961 in Munich, Germany.
Ignore it, do not respond and at most change passwords on any sites you frequent.
Bravo to Severin films once again for finding some of the wildest exploitation to share with the world! We think it would have been a hit, because they've solved our problems in just a couple of minutes.
Ursula Buchfellner is a beautiful woman with a lot of fans.