Our majestically mulleted brawny beefcake-headed hero Alex Nicholas Colozzi evilly experiences multitudinous morbid dreams wetter than the poor, swarthily chested dear can literally stomach, all his ghoulish, gut-churning, bed-levitating gubbins finally culminating in a desperate night-time flit to infamous terror island Alcatraz where the distraught Alex must reluctantly confront the malign, nightmare-spawning, no longer corporeal cannibal entity ceaselessly broadcasting this demented screed through his beleaguered, sleep-deprived noggin.
Talena is then made to fight two women at once, she ends up defeating them both which enrages the evil Queen, who has Talena taken back to her cell.
As Xenos toasts to the death of Cabot, the wicked Queen betrays and murders him, using her favourite method, a stab with a sword.