Sharpie in pooper - Weebl

Pooper sharpie in Common Sharp

Pooper sharpie in Weebl

Pooper sharpie in Stick it

Stick it in her Pooper

Pooper sharpie in Weebl

The Impact of the Poop Poet

Pooper sharpie in Weebl

Pooper sharpie in Stick it

Pooper sharpie in Weebl


Pooper sharpie in Stick it

Sharpie in Pooper

Pooper sharpie in Stick it

Pooper sharpie in Weebl

Sharpie in Pooper

The Impact of the Poop Poet

Caudal scales are the scales on the tail behind the cloaca.

  • Long teeth allow the snake to hold on to its slippery prey.

  • I have indicated in purple on the range map one area in Sonoma and Mendocino Counties where their distribution may overlap.