Sadly, McGillis faced a tragedy the summer prior, when a woman named Laurence Marie Dorn.
McGillis admitted that she feels too old and out of shape to be in Top Gun: Maverick, and she suspects her appearance is the biggest reason why she wasn't asked to reprise her role as Charlie Blackwood.
Though the Top Gun: Maverick team passed up on the opportunity to bring her back and make the sequel one big reunion, McGillis has a bright future — both on and off screen — ahead.
Clearly, McGillis has continued to impress casting agents over the years and hasn't fully stepped out of the Hollywood limelight.
But will she be in the new Top Gun movie? The 1986 release of placed actress Kelly McGillis firmly in the '80s the pop culture zeitgeist.
I'd much rather feel absolutely secure in my skin and who and what I am at my age as opposed to placing a value on all that other stuff.