In a meta sort of way, she's able to showcase the millennial generation's ability to adapt to modern technology by parodying how the baby boomers view millennials in the form of the demanding Cheryl.
Also, because she's practically been a lifelong dancer, it is second nature for her to move in the rhythm of any beat, especially the beat of her own drum.
With Chuck's history, this made the task easier for Cheryl to paint a menacing picture of him to Josie.
But, in particular, it was a huge loss for Cheryl, who always considered her loving brother to be her soulmate.
She said she had experienced a lot of bullying when she was a child because of her red hair and her South African accent.
During her childhood, the Blossom family had an ongoing feud with the , and Jason's involvement with the Cooper's oldest daughter only added fuel to this fire, though the feud later subsided after the death of Cheryl's father.