Recent tweet from Natalie. Is this confirmation of the rumors? : Adamthewoo
Frasier: Fans perplexed by absence of Daphne and Niles from revival
Recent tweet from Natalie. Is this confirmation of the rumors? : Adamthewoo
Meet the models breaking the mould
What Happened To Adam The Woo 'S Hiatus, Adam The Woo
Frasier: Fans perplexed by absence of Daphne and Niles from revival
Adam the Woo
Reactions:Scoobytoot, GrittyFacedBoo, 2020planner and 3 others Thank you for creating this! What upsets me is the way older people don't bother any more.
Somebody who just lets go and becomes a canvas for art or fashion.
Unless you're claiming that one of these two adults is legally incompetent to make decisions for themselves you just need to back off, I'd say.