Crystal westbrooks leaked - Modelling the growth of triglycine sulphate crystals in spacelab 3

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Modelling the growth of triglycine sulphate crystals in spacelab 3

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Westbrooks leaked crystal Modelling the

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Modelling the growth of triglycine sulphate crystals in spacelab 3

The average acceleration was estimated to be less than 10 -6 g.

  • Two triglycine sulphate crystals were grown from an aqueous solution in Spacelab 3 aboard a Space Shuttle.

  • Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.

Growth of crystalline calcite from a CaCO3


  • The melt exhibited a high surface tension which was determined and found to be approximately 290 dyn cm -1.

  • Perhaps the single needed a little more push, or maybe this is pure coincidence.