Miguel angel lara - Miguel Angel Lara Otaola

Angel lara miguel Miguel Angel

Miguel Angel Lara Otaola

Angel lara miguel Miguel Angel

Angel lara miguel portfolio

Angel lara miguel portfolio


Angel lara miguel Miguel Angel

Angel lara miguel portfolio

Miguel Angel Lara Otaola

Angel lara miguel Miguel Angel

Angel lara miguel Miguel Angel

Angel lara miguel portfolio

Angel lara miguel portfolio


Miguel Angel Lara Otaola

His latest project consisted in creating a Global Index on Electoral Justice.

  • I can pre-flight and make sure your design is ready for print by fixing typos, colors, bleeds, and much more.

  • The projects you see here have achieve success, some are constant sellers, some are client achieved oriented, and some are personal pieces which I sell via prints.


In my journey as a creative designer and artist, I constantly grow and achieve, and for me, design and art have always intertwine and are constantly evolving as I with it.

  • He has participated in over 40 technical assistance and observation missions in Asia, Australia, Europe, and Latin America and has published over 50 articles and chapters on democracy, elections, corruption, and governance in English, Spanish and German.

  • I do line work, press proofing, and pre-flight.

2021 maintenance.chme.io