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More female teachers caught having sex with students, experts say

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Shocking video shows teacher eating semen

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I can’t stop my kid from having sex, so I’m doing the next best thing

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Teacher's sick sexploits with student caught on video

One of the teens brought a plastic bag filled with his semen to school on the day of the cooking competition, before smearing it on top of the crepes prepared by the boys.

  • Parents who were at the event told The New York Times they were uncomfortable with the contest.

  • Unidentified parent One parent told of the allegations: 'They had a relationship with this guidance counselor, they trusted her, to know that she's doing this is despicable.

I can’t stop my kid from having sex, so I’m doing the next best thing

She parked next to a path and she and her student got into the back seat and had sex.

  • Above, Molina High School Another teacher to have been accused of sexual misconduct this week is Jenna Tarabelsi, who allegedly had a relationship with at least one student while working as a school career counselor.

  • Prosecutors filed paperwork asking Stark County Common Pleas Judge John Haas to put Eichler in prison for 48 months, 12 months for each time she had sex with a student.

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