Ernst fuchs museum - The Otto Wagner Villa

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Museum ernst fuchs Ernst Fuchs

Ernst Fuchs Museum (Vienna)

Museum ernst fuchs Ernst Fuchs

Ernst Fuchs Museum (Vienna)

Museum ernst fuchs ERNST FUCHS

Museum ernst fuchs GESCHICHTE DES

Museum ernst fuchs ERNST FUCHS

Ernst Fuchs Museum (Vienna)

Museum ernst fuchs Ernst Fuchs

Museum ernst fuchs Ernst Fuchs

Museum ernst fuchs The Ernst

Museum ernst fuchs Official Webpage

The Otto Wagner Villa

Also the kind of work brings me joy, but I know, what I do is only of casual nature.

  • In 1957 he entered the Dormition Abbey on Mount Zion where he began work on his monumental Last Supper and devoted himself to producing small sized paintings on religious themes such as Moses and the Burning Bush, culminating in a commission to paint three altar paintings on parchment, the cycle of the Mysteries of the Holy Rosary 1958—61 , for the Rosenkranzkirche in Hetzendorf, Vienna.

  • Adresse: This museum is called by some people that it is a real Temple of Satan.