Mona crazy ex girlfriend - Regarding Nathaniel/Mona... : crazyexgirlfriend

Crazy ex girlfriend mona Lyndon Smith

Crazy ex girlfriend mona Scott Michael

Crazy ex girlfriend mona Lyndon Smith

'Crazy Ex

Crazy ex girlfriend mona Crazy Ex


Crazy ex girlfriend mona Scott Michael

Crazy ex girlfriend mona Scott Michael

Trent Returned To 'Crazy Ex

Crazy ex girlfriend mona Trent Returned

Crazy ex girlfriend mona Nathaniel Plimpton

Nathaniel Plimpton III

Crazy ex girlfriend mona Crazy Ex

Crazy ex girlfriend mona Mona

'Crazy Ex

Trent Returned To 'Crazy Ex

The audience can't relate to his affection for her because he's closed off.

  • Afterwards Nathaniel was told by Rebecca that she lined up a meeting with a potential client.

  • She performs Rebecca's cousin's bat mitzvah, which Josh and Rebecca attend.

Regarding Nathaniel/Mona... : crazyexgirlfriend

Rebecca rekindles their romance but Scott sleeps with his co-worker Tanya, leading to Paula kicking him out.

  • I don't think she is all that she seems too.

  • He had and was using stress balls to help get rid of it.