Fiona apple pic - Fiona Apple's Style Through the Years: Pictures

Apple pic fiona Fiona Apple:

Apple pic fiona Fiona Apple

Apple pic fiona Fiona Apple

Apple pic fiona Fiona Apple's

Apple pic fiona Images

Apple pic fiona Fiona Apple

Apple pic fiona The Tragic

Fiona Apple reveals secret marriage to fashion photographer Lionel Deluy and slams ‘useless’ ex Louis CK

Apple pic fiona Fiona Apple's

Fiona Apple quit cocaine after 'excruciating' night with Quentin Tarantino

Apple pic fiona Fiona Apple

Apple pic fiona Fiona Apple

Fiona Apple: The Caged Bird Sings

It became Apple's most successful album on the , where it peaked at number three, and received critical acclaim.

  • As such, if you have some time this weekend, to cry or laugh or even scream, why not spend it with Fifi Apps? Apple's robust contralto, though sometimes heavy on vibrato, gave her line readings a pleasingly sinister feel.

  • Detractors deemed Fiona Apple a natural disaster and showered her with insensitive insults and criticisms even as seasons passed.

Fiona Apple quit cocaine after 'excruciating' night with Quentin Tarantino

They talked for three hours.

  • These details are important because they have become well known to Apple fans and are a vital part of her image, much like the story of Elvis' discovery while recording a birthday song to his mother has become an indelible part of his legend.

  • That certainly proved true for Fiona Apple.